Metrics Drive Behavior
Based off of a true story from Continental Airlines after bankruptcy in 1990’s
Cost cutting became the major company strategy
Airline rewarded pilots for keeping fuel consumption low
Behavior - Pilots skimping on air conditioning and flying more slowly
Performance - Unhappy customers and behind schedule flights
Results - Valuable customers moved on to competitors
Amazon’s Corporate Score-card
Key Goal: Make online shopping preferred mode for all types of goods
Fast and Free shipping for all types of products
Failed Fast Track
Order cycle time mean and standard deviation
Throughput per labor hour
Units shipped per labor hour
Inventory Record Defect Rate
Received and Shipped units and backlog
Ex (S&OP adherence)
Lost Time Incidents and Rate
Record-able Incidents and Rate
Other Financial and Vendor negotiation metrics
Traditional vs. Lean Metrics
Complex, low volume assembly in aerospace
Jobs behind schedule metrics
Focus on accountability and individual performance
Assumes every job is equally important
Assumes individual efficiency drives overall performance
Behavior using traditional metrics
Perform “easy” jobs first to improve metric (temporarily)
Out-of-sequence work
“I completed my work…why should I help someone else”
Focus on every problem
Flow metrics
Focus on global rather thanlocal optimum
Assumes some jobs more critical than others
Assumes team drives overall performance
Behavior using lean metrics
Work jobs in optimal sequence
Identify gaps in skills
Focus only on problems that impact overall performance
Linking Lean Principles and Manufacturing Measurables
Based off of a true story from Continental Airlines after bankruptcy in 1990’s
Cost cutting became the major company strategy
Airline rewarded pilots for keeping fuel consumption low
Behavior - Pilots skimping on air conditioning and flying more slowly
Performance - Unhappy customers and behind schedule flights
Results - Valuable customers moved on to competitors
Amazon’s Corporate Score-card
Key Goal: Make online shopping preferred mode for all types of goods
Fast and Free shipping for all types of products
Failed Fast Track
Order cycle time mean and standard deviation
Throughput per labor hour
Units shipped per labor hour
Inventory Record Defect Rate
Received and Shipped units and backlog
Ex (S&OP adherence)
Lost Time Incidents and Rate
Record-able Incidents and Rate
Other Financial and Vendor negotiation metrics
Traditional vs. Lean Metrics
Complex, low volume assembly in aerospace
Jobs behind schedule metrics
Focus on accountability and individual performance
Assumes every job is equally important
Assumes individual efficiency drives overall performance
Behavior using traditional metrics
Perform “easy” jobs first to improve metric (temporarily)
Out-of-sequence work
“I completed my work…why should I help someone else”
Focus on every problem
Flow metrics
Focus on global rather thanlocal optimum
Assumes some jobs more critical than others
Assumes team drives overall performance
Behavior using lean metrics
Work jobs in optimal sequence
Identify gaps in skills
Focus only on problems that impact overall performance
Linking Lean Principles and Manufacturing Measurables
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