Saturday, October 6, 2007

21.Kaizen-Teian Improvement Systems

(Kaizen): improvement

(Teian): proposal

Characteristics of Kaizen-Teian:
􀂾 Gradual and continuous accumulation of small improvements
􀂾 Focus on team of collaborators (vs. team of experts/consultants),
engage the entire workforce
􀂾 Promote a maintained progress (vs. lack of continuity)
􀂾 Implement incremental improvements in small steps (vs. big leaps)
􀂾 Is a building block of a typical lean organization. (The other building
block is identifying waste in operations.)
􀂾 Typical setting: a small team of 8-20 people from all levels and
functions/departments of the organization identifying, analyzing, and
implementing a project in a matter of 4-5 day

4-Stage Implementation of Kaizen at Algonquin Automotive

Stage 1: Kaizen Kick-off
􀂾 Highly visible, formal, structured implementation 1 year -18 months
􀂾 Kaizen events inspired by Toyota: 1-3 days when the lines are stopped
􀂾 Each meeting was carefully documented, and follow-up meetings were held.
􀂾 Full of energy: all improvements were encouraged by management.

Stage 2: Kaizen Attenuated
􀂾 Effort “collapsed under its own weight”, causing kaizen to receive lower
􀂾 Workers focused on getting production out of the door. Taking an hour out of
work was viewed as infeasible.

Stage 3: Quiet Resurrection
􀂾 Individuals in various departments started kaizen efforts on an ad-hoc basis
􀂾 Non-coordinated, scattered efforts across the organization

Stage 4: Kaizen Returns
􀂾 Both the organization and depts recognize individuals’ kaizen efforts
􀂾 Standardized kaizen documentation and performance measurements
􀂾 More focused on direct groups; little inter-departmental communication

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I like this post very much. It help me to solve some my work under my director’s requirements.

Apart from that, below article also is the same meaning

Kaizen terms

Tks again and nice keep posting

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